"Bücher, Bücher, Bücher, Bücher - Meines Lebens Brot und Wein! Hüllt einst nicht in Leichentücher, schlagt mich in van Geldern ein!"
[Karl Wolfskehl, 1869 - 1948, German poet and translator]

Sine 1982 we have maintained our own auction rooms in a spacious flat in the Düsternbrook area of Kiel. Here, we hold a book and art auction every May and November, traditionally on a Saturday morning.

Auctions consist of up to 1,000 lots, each of which will be carefully described in the auction catalogue. Objects can be viewed at the premises in the days before the auction, and we are happy to send digital photo of individual lots. We also hold special auctions in the case of large collections or bequests.

The next book and art auction 96 will take place on November 16, 2024 in Kiel.

Auction 96 - Online

Auction 96 - Catalogue (pdf)

Heute ist der 11.02.2025